Team Leadership & Management - Storyboard

Build an IT Succession Plan Storyboard

Losing employees in key roles without adequate preparation for their departure hinders productivity, knowledge retention, relationships, and opportunities. Practice sound...

The First 100 Days As CIO – Presentation Deck Example

In this example, see what a completed presentation deck might look like after completing Info-Tech's First 100 Days As CIO concierge service.

Develop a Targeted Flexible Work Program for IT – Phases 1-3

Create a customized flexible work program based on the unique needs of IT employees to attract and retain talent.

Recruit and Retain More Women in IT – Phases 1-2

Understand why it is critical to take a targeted approach to recruiting and retaining top women in IT. Learn straightforward tactics to optimize your recruitment and...

Improve IT Team Effectiveness Storyboard – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help team leaders and coaches to assess team effectiveness and improve performance.

Streamline Your Workforce During a Pandemic Storyboard

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered record-breaking market volatility, causing organizations to face very hard decisions. Initiate redeployment efforts and reduce costs...

Prepare People Leaders for the Hybrid Work Environment Storyboard

After working from home for a long period, employees are expecting flexibility in where they work. While organizations may acknowledge the benefits of hybrid work, they...

Storyboard: Optimize the Mentoring Program to Build a High Performing Learning Organization

As workforce composition shifts, mentoring programs must move beyond the traditional senior-junior format option. Organizational culture and goals will dictate the best...

Data-Driven Workforce Planning: A Critical CIO Exercise

A concise, step-by-step document that distills the workforce planning process to its essential steps and guides you through analyzing your own workforce data.

Implement a New IT Organizational Structure – Phases 1-3

IT leaders often lack the experience and time to effectively execute on organizational changes. Info-Tech’s organizational design implementation program will provide you...
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