Talent Resource Planning

IT Knowledge Transfer Plan Template

The IT Knowledge Transfer Plan Template is used to determine the most effective knowledge transfer tactics to be used for each knowledge source.

IT Knowledge Transfer Risk Assessment Tool

The IT Knowledge Transfer Risk Assessment Tool is used to identify the risk profile of knowledge sources and the knowledge they have.

IT Knowledge Transfer Roadmap Presentation Template

Use this template as a starting point to build your proposed IT Knowledge Transfer Roadmap presentation to management, to obtain formal sign-off and initiate the next...

Role Transition Plan Template

Many role transitions are characterized by low productivity and lost opportunities. As one employee exits a role and the successor takes over, a clear checklist-based...

IT Knowledge Transfer Project Charter Template

The IT Knowledge Transfer Project Charter Template is used to communicate the value and rationale for knowledge transfer to key stakeholders.

Crisis Communication Guides

Use these guides to create company communications that are calm and transparent and reinforce the business continuity plan.

Skills Inventory for Redeployment Tool

Use this tool to match employees with needed skills in order to redeploy employees.

Employee Departure Checklist Tool

An exit checklist should be used in all cases of employee departure, both voluntary and involuntary, to keep track of offboarding activities and to ensure offboarding...

IT Knowledge Identification Interview Guide Template

The IT Knowledge Identification Interview Guide Template is used to provide a framework to conduct interviews with knowledge sources to extract the information they have

Build an IT Succession Plan Storyboard

Losing employees in key roles without adequate preparation for their departure hinders productivity, knowledge retention, relationships, and opportunities. Practice sound...
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