Threat Intelligence & Incident Response - Templates & Policies

Security Incident Communications Guidelines and Templates

Use these guidelines and templates to help draft your organization's communications plan.

Security Incident Communications Policy Template

Use this policy template to help define your organization's procedures and expectations surrounding incident response communications.

Design a Tabletop Exercise to Support Your Security Operation – Inject Examples

Info-Tech has developed a portfolio of inject examples that members can leverage to get started and build upon in order to implement their own tabletop exercise capability.

Security Incident Response Interdepartmental Communications Template

Use this template to facilitate communication between the various departments that make up the Security Incident Response Team.

Security Incident Management Runbook: Malicious Email

Align the response procedures with Phase 2 of the Develop and Implement a Security Incident Management Program blueprint.

Security Incident Management Runbook: Distributed Denial of Service

Align the response procedures with Phase 2 of the Develop and Implement a Security Incident Management Program

Threat Intelligence Project Charter Template

Management buy-in is key to establishing an effective threat intelligence program. The approval indicates that security is top-of-mind and that the process aligns with...

Threat Intelligence RFP MSSP Template

An RFP is a formal invitation issued by a business or agency requesting interested vendors to submit written proposals meeting a particular set of requirements.

Tabletop Exercise – Extended (Ransomware Template)

Adapt this tabletop planning session template to plan and practice the response of your leadership team to a ransomware scenario.

Ransomware Resilience Summary Presentation

Summarize your organization's current resilience and present a prioritized project roadmap to improve ransomware prevention and recovery capabilities.
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