Security Technology & Operations

Assess and Govern Identity Security

Security leaders view modernizing identity security as too daunting and prefer to focus on narrower technology challenges. This limited focus is reactive and, in the long...
  • guided implementation icon

Assess and Govern Identity Security – Phases 1-2

A step-by-step document that walks you through how to properly inventory your identity types, repositories, threats, and mitigations.

Identity Security RACI Chart

A best-of-breed template to help you document roles and responsibilities related to identity security.

Identity Security Architecture Tool

A structured tool to help you inventory identity types, threats, and mitigations using the MITRE ATT&CK® framework.

Log4Shell: Assess and Mitigate Your Exposure to This Critical Zero-Day

Read our Log4Shell summary report to better understand this critical zero-day exploit, how you might be affected, and what immediate action you can take.

Threat Landscape Briefing – January 2022

This monthly recording covers topics such as cyber threat and regulatory trends, nation states, cyber criminals, and hacktivists campaigns, data breaches, control...

Mitigate Cyber Risks During the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Review this publication for a summary of cyber risks related to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, nation-level and Info-Tech cyber-defense recommendations, and resources to...

Threat Landscape Briefing – February 2022

This monthly recording covers topics such as cyber threat and regulatory trends, nation states, cyber criminals, and hacktivists campaigns, data breaches, control...

Threat Landscape Briefing – March 2022

This monthly recording covers topics such as cyber threat and regulatory trends, nation states, cyber criminals, and hacktivists campaigns, data breaches, control...

Threat Landscape Briefing – April 2022

This monthly recording covers topics such as cyber threat and regulatory trends, nation states, cyber criminals, and hacktivists campaigns, data breaches, control...
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