Security Technology & Operations

Endpoint Protection TCO & ROI Comparison Calculator

Use this TCO and ROI calculator to compare costs and benefits when examining various endpoint protection solutions.

Integrate Threat Intelligence Into Your Security Operations – Phase 3: Optimize the Intelligence Analysis Process

Design a threat intelligence analysis process that complements your existing security operations.

Develop a Security Operations Strategy – Phase 2: Develop Maturity Initiatives

Begin developing and prioritizing gap initiatives in order to achieve the optimal state of operations.

Integrate Threat Intelligence Into Your Security Operations – Phase 4: Design a Collaboration and Feedback Program

Stand up an intelligence dissemination and feedback program.

Build Your Security Operations Program From the Ground Up – Phase 2: Assess Your Current State

This phase of the blueprint, Build Your Security Operations From the Ground Up, will help you assess the maturity of your prevention, detection, analysis, and response...

Build Your Security Operations Program From the Ground Up – Phase 3: Design Your Target State

This phase of the blueprint, Build Your Security Operations From the Ground Up, will help you design a target state and improve your governance and policy solutions.

Security Operations Project Charter Template

Management buy-in is key to establishing an effective next-generation security operations program. The approval indicates that security is top-of-mind and that the...

Design a Tabletop Exercise to Support Your Security Operation

The use of a tabletop exercise is an excellent way to test the effectiveness of an organization’s overall security program, the investment of technology controls, and the...
  • guided implementation icon

Threat and Risk Assessment Tool

Use this tool to assess the threat and risk severity with any particular IT project or initiative.

Terminator Versus Iron Man: Showdown of Security Products

Trends in security products supporting humans rather than replacing them.
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