This phase of the blueprint, Comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act, will help you create a subject access request process.
This storyboard will help you satisfy customer requirements for information security and determine if SOC 2 or ISO 27001 certification is right for you.
This phase of the blueprint, Satisfy Customer Requirements for Information Security, will help you determine the scope of your certification, prepare for and pass the...
This phase of the blueprint, Satisfy Customer Requirements for Information Security, will help you understand your options for obtaining a security certification and...
This phase of the blueprint, Satisfy Customer Requirements for Information Security, will help you understand customer expectations for information security and build a...
This phase of the blueprint, Develop a Security Awareness and Training Program That Empowers End Users, will help you determine what training methods to use with end...
This storyboard will help you develop a security awareness and training program, which includes building a formal awareness and training program to elevate the security...
This phase of the blueprint, Develop a Security Awareness and Training Program That Empowers End Users, will help you build a development plan for your program, as well...
This phase of the blueprint, Demonstrate Data Protection by Design for IT Systems, will help you use the PbD and DPbD frameworks and help you understand how they apply to...
This phase of the blueprint, Demonstrate Data Protection by Design for IT Systems, will help you demonstrate your adhearance to the DPbD principles in your IT systems.