Project & Portfolio Management

Webinar: Define the Right Kind of PMO for IT and Your Organization

There is no such thing as a standard PMO. During this session we will discuss the importance of using organizational need as a foundation to esablishing your PMO manadate...

Drive Business Value With a Right-Sized Project Gating Process

Gating can be a great mechanism for portfolio governance, and to do that, we need to stop limiting our gates to project management processes. Start applying a right-sized...
  • guided implementation icon

Drive Business Value With a Right-Sized Project Gating Process – Executive Brief

Start applying a right-sized project gating approach that puts the project sponsor in the driver’s seat, allowing IT to drive business value.

Drive Business Value With a Right-Sized Project Gating Process – Phases 1-4

Start applying a right-sized project gating approach that puts the project sponsor in the driver’s seat, allowing IT to drive business value.

Drive Business Value With a Right-Sized Project Gating Process – Phase 1: Lay the Groundwork for Tailored Project Gating

​Use this phase to as part of the Drive Business Value with a Right-Sized Project Gating Process to Define Project Gating, Establish Project Level Definitions, and...

Drive Business Value With a Right-Sized Project Gating Process – Phase 2: Establish Level 1 Project Gating

Use this phase to as part of the Drive Business Value with a Right-Sized Project Gating Process to Introduce best practices for Level 1 Project Gates and customize Level...

Project Gating Strategic Template

Use this template to document your right-sized project gating process.

Drive Business Value With a Right-Sized Project Gating Process – Phase 3: Establish Level 2 Project Gating

Use this phase to as part of the Drive Business Value with a Right-Sized Project Gating Process to Introduce best practices for Level 2 Project Gates and customize Level...

Drive Business Value With a Right-Sized Project Gating Process – Phase 4: Establish Level 3 Project Gating

Use this phase to as part of the Drive Business Value with a Right-Sized Project Gating Process to Introduce best practices for Level 3 Project Gates and customize Level...

Project Gating Reference Document

Use this template to communicate your right-sized gating process to all stakeholders.
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