Project & Portfolio Management - Storyboard

Drive Efficiency and Agility with a Fit-for-Purpose Quality Management Program – Phase 1: Position the Quality Program

Hold a positioning working session to focus the program around business needs, create solid targets, and create quality champions to get the job done.

Drive Efficiency and Agility with a Fit-for-Purpose Quality Management Program – Phases 1-4

This blueprint walks a CIO through the building and implementing of fit-for-purpose quality management program in an effort to enhance IT quality, increase business...

Grow Your Own PPM Solution – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help you scope, plan, and implement an affordable, adoptable, and effective PPM solution with Info-Tech's Portfolio Manager 2017 workbook.

Storyboard: Manage Stakeholder Relations

Design a stakeholder management plan and a communication plan to tailor your approach for maximum success.

Unify a Mixed Methodology Portfolio Storyboard – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help you develop standardized portfolio processes that all project methodologies can adhere to. In addition, it will help establish organizational...

IT Project Management Lite Storyboard

Provide project managers with processes that they have the time to follow.

Make Project Portfolio Management a Priority

Use this research to understand the importance of project portfolio management in helping to realize the benefits from project investments.

Select and Implement an IT PPM Solution – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help you plan and carry out your project portfolio management (PPM) solution selection and implementation project.

Optimize IT Project Intake, Approval, and Prioritization – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help you create a resource capacity-constrained, high-value project portfolio that achieves a balanced alignment between stakeholder needs and...

Define and Deploy an Enterprise PMO – Phase 3: Implement the Plan

This phase of Define and Deploy an Enterprise PMO will help you define clear and easy to follow enterprise PPM processes.
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