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Digital Portfolio Management Playbook

Assess the performance and strategic alignment of your IT resources, talent, activities and assets across multiple product and service lines. Identify opportunities to...

Digital Portfolio Management Program Executive Presentation

Communicate the results of your enterprise porfolio management program using this template executive communication deck.

The Cost (and Benefits) of GPT

It's time to stop fawning over GPT’s ability to mirror human text and start considering the cost of the folly of shipping broken product.

Assess Your Digital ID Adoption Readiness

​As part of Info-Tech's Navigate the Digital ID Ecosystem to Enhance Customer Experience research, this tool can help you assess your organization's readiness to adopt...

Build an IT Strategy for US Government Organizations – Phases 1-4

This blueprint and associated tools will provide you with a step-by-step approach to achieve an IT strategy that is in sync with your organizational objectives and will...

Build Competitive Intelligence to Improve Sales Win Rates

Improve sales with CI research for battle cards. Analyze competitors, gather data efficiently, and track emerging market trends. Increase competitiveness, accelerate...
  • guided implementation icon

Build Competitive Intelligence to Improve Sales Win Rates – Phases 1-3

This blueprint shows how using product management can significantly increase win rates and measure the success of CI team funding from management.

Build Competitive Intelligence to Improve Sales Win Rates Market Analysis and Sales Battlecards

This fully customizable, prebuilt PowerPoint presentation template documents the market analysis results and creates the sales battlecards. ​

Build Competitive Intelligence to Improve Sales Win Rates Executive Presentation

This detailed document will guide executives to gain feedback on your sales for the CI program and ROI funding.

Build Competitive Intelligence to Improve Sales Win Rates Workbook

Develop competitive criteria, models, and data to help evaluate your desired sales opportunities to correctly position your company and products in your battlecards.
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