
Real-Time Transportation Visibility (Logistic Visibility Systems) – RACI Tool

Supply chain visibility has become vital as businesses need to rely on information for decision-making associated with assets that are in motion.

Real-Time Transportation Visibility (Logistic Visibility Systems) – Risk Prioritization Tool

Use this tool to map out all potential risks and corresponding actions.

Data Literacy Learning Outcomes Library

A summary of all significant learning outcomes in terms of what the personas need to know about of the essential data disciplines.

Responsible AI Maturity Assessment and Roadmap Planning Tool

This tool will help you analyze your organization's current- and target-state maturity in AI capabilities and systematically develop a responsible AI roadmap for your...

Implementing Responsible AI Leadership Presentation

A customizable tool for presenting your case for developing responsible AI guiding principles, assessing AI capabilities and readiness, and prioritizing use cases based...

Alternative Network Technology Assessment Tool

Perform a high-level analysis of a technology's readiness for adoption based on your organization's needs.

IT Financial Data Taxonomy Workbook

Use this Excel workbook to document the outcomes of your IT financial data discovery, taxonomy development, and taxonomy implementation planning activities.

AI Maturity Assessment Tool for Precision Medicine

This tool will help you estimate and qualify cost savings and revenue generation for AI use case implementation.

OT Governance Readiness Assessment Tool

This tool provides you with a framework to start assessing your governance readiness level.

RASCI Chart for SCaaS

A template to help ensure every role, project, or task has an accountable party.
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