Job Descriptions

Digital Asset Specialist

This template is designed to help you create a job description for a digital asset specialist.

Data Modeler

This template is designed to help you create a job description for a data modeler.

Data Analyst

This template is designed to help you create a job description for a data analyst.

Portfolio Administrator

​The Portfolio Administrator role is focused on the consistent flow of current, accurate, and usable information from the steering committee to the PMO and project...

PMO Director

​As PMO Director, you will oversee the throughput of IT projects using portfolio management, project management, and organizational change management disciplines.

Project Coordinator

​The Project Coordinator role provides project management, operational, and administrative support to the project team, sponsor, and project manager.

Resource Management Analyst

​The Resource Management Analyst role supports the Project Management Office by matching supply and demand for project resources.

Chief of Staff

The Chief of Staff must be able to act as a strategist, advisor, and decision maker through involvement with all areas of IT organization and other business units with an...

Portfolio Manager

Portfolio managers oversee a collection of projects, programs and other activities that are grouped together to meet strategic business objectives. The practice of...

Chief Innovation Officer

This job description can be used to hire your Chief Innovation Officer. There are many other job descriptions available on the Info-Tech website and referenced from...
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