Crisis Management Workflow Examples

Build your own crisis management workflows using Info-Tech's examples.

Implement Crisis Management Best Practices – Executive Brief

Implement an effective crisis response plan to minimize the impact of crises on business continuity, reputation, and profitability.

Crisis Management Plan Summary Example

Summarize your organization's crisis management capabilities and objectives in one easy-to-consume document.

Take Control of Cloud Costs on AWS

Develop processes, procedures, and policies to effectively manage cloud costs.
  • guided implementation icon

Take Control of Cloud Costs on AWS – Executive Brief

Get a handle on cloud costs.

Take Control of Cloud Costs on AWS – Phases 1-4

Develop processes, procedures, and policies to effectively manage cloud costs.

Cloud Cost Management Worksheet

Document your cloud cost management processes and procedures.

Cloud Cost Management Capability Assessment

Assess your organization's cloud cost management capabilities.

Cloud Cost Management Policy

Document your cloud cost management policies.

Cloud Cost Glossary of Terms

Define cloud cost management terms.
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