How to Be a Good Teammate When Design Happens Remotely

UI/UX designers, developers, and other team members need to partner early and often. Choose collaborative design tools to allow the team to efficiently communicate...

Ten Things to Consider Before Launching Your First Customer Engagement Webinar

If there was one thing that the recent COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated it is how interconnected we are and that virtual communication is not only possible but...

Quickly Start Managing Remote Computers With MDM

IT is accountable for more than just enterprise data when people are working at home. Use MDM to both secure remote PCs and personally owned devices and to reduce the...

First 30 Days Pandemic Response Plan

The COVID-19 pandemic isn’t your usual crisis – it has an indeterminate duration and a global scope. In today’s VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous)...
  • guided implementation icon

First 30 Days Pandemic Response Plan Storyboard

It’s time for leaders to leap into action. Plan the organization's response during the critical first days of the crisis.

Crisis Matrix Communications Templates

Use these templates to provide key communicators with collateral to present to employees during this challenging time.

BCP-DRP Maintenance Checklist

Set a schedule for continuity plan reviews, tests, and updates. Track completed reviews.

Crisis Management Plan Summary Example

Summarize your organization's crisis management capabilities and objectives in one easy-to-consume document.

Implement Crisis Management Best Practices – Executive Brief

Implement an effective crisis response plan to minimize the impact of crises on business continuity, reputation, and profitability.

Mitigate the Risk of a Cloud Outage

IT leaders are still accountable for service continuity, even when those services are moved to the cloud. When an O365 outage occurs, the CEO is calling you, not Microsoft.
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