Building Bridges: Fusion Risk Management Connector to Everbridge Mass Communications Tool

Fusion has an out-of-the-box connector with Everbridge. This is part of a larger trend for the SaaS BCM market. Built in APIs have become a major focus for product...

Business Continuity Management: What You Will and WON’T Get From a BCM Tool

Understand what you can get from a BCM tool, and then evaluate based on your specific requirements. Due to the maturity of the market, many products will check your...

If Timely Crisis Communication Matters, Invest in an Emergency/Mass Notification System

Call trees are inefficient and unreliable, especially for larger organizations. If timely crisis communication is critical to your organization, consider an...

Zerto Expands Its DR Capabilities to Include Long-Term Backups

Zerto now provides a DR and backup solution with the addition of long-term retention (LTR). This puts data protection on a continuum from short-term retention (to enable...

Quantivate Adds Help Text and Quick Links to Improve Usability

Quantivate’s new GUI modernizes the interface, but more importantly adds features that improve consistency and usability.

Zerto Enhanced Azure Integration to Achieve Lower RTOs and Less Overhead

Zerto has enhanced its Azure integration to reduce achievable RTOs and recovery cost. Specifically, Zerto’s latest release leverages Azure’s native Virtual Machine...

Engineered Chaos Will Help You Test Your Mature BCP

Modern business continuity planning is complicated. Ideas from chaos engineering can help test resiliency, but only if you have a mature BCP.

Emergency Response Plan Checklist, Summary, and Staff Instructions

Use this document as a guideline to develop or review your emergency response plans.

Zerto 7.5 Enhances Security While Further Tightening Azure Integration

Zerto 7.5 adds support for Azure Active Directory Managed Service Identity (MSI), which simplifies authentication to Azure services while improving security.

What Does the Coronavirus Mean for Your Business Continuity Plan?

If you are responsible for your organization’s business continuity plan (BCP), expect to get a call from senior leadership soon about your readiness for a potential...
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