Evaluate and Select Alternative Network Solutions Storyboard

Guided by a decision model grounded in cost, availability, bandwidth, and latency, we will navigate the pros and cons of each solution, offering insights and real-world...

Alternative Network Technology Assessment Tool

Perform a high-level analysis of a technology's readiness for adoption based on your organization's needs.

Storyboard: Build or Refresh the Wireless LAN

This storyboard will guide your organization through the process of conducting either a complete WLAN build, or a refresh of your existing WLAN, from initial requirements...

Modernize the Network – Phases 1-3

Network use cases and capacity demands are constantly increasing, and the network must be able to react with stability and agility. Use Info-Tech’s approach to develop a...

Modernize the Network – Phase 1: Assess the Network

This phase of the blueprint, Modernize the Network, will help you understand the current state of your network to provide the starting point for your modernization.

VMware Takes on Cisco and Palo Alto Networks With Announcement of VMware Service-defined Firewall

VMware is delving deeper into the IT security segment with its recent announcement at RSA 2019, unveiling its Service-defined Firewall product. VMware will be competing...

Network Modernization Roadmap

Use the Network Modernization Roadmap to record and organize your technology, people, and process tasks.

Network Management Outsourcing Roadmap Tool

Keep track of the outsourcing process using the roadmap tool. This tool will help keep all stakeholders informed as to the current progress of the project, while also...

Network Management Outsourcing RFP Scoring Tool

The RFP scoring tool will be the primary tool used in the vendor selection process. Additionally, the RFP will be used to select the partner vendor for the outsourcing...

Modernize the Network – Phase 3: Communicate and Execute the Plan

This phase of the blueprint, Modernize the Network, will help you implement the plan by preparing to pitch the project to executives and reaching out to vendors.
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