Infinidat Promises Storage Bigger, Faster, Cheaper

Want large quantities of high-performance storage at a fraction of the usual cost? That’s what Infinidat is promising its customers.

StorONE Announces Partnership With Tech Data

StorONE announces partnership with Tech Data to expand and strengthen its distribution network.

On Edge: The Future of Computing

Microsoft’s latest edge database offering, the buzzwordy Azure SQL Database Edge, is supposed to make edge computing (where Microsoft insists 75% of data will be created...

Hey Google, I hear you are backing up enterprise cloud environments with Cohesity

Cohesity is the first backup solution to provide native integration with Google Cloud Platform (GCP). This is good for the partners and will give competitors pause.

Howdy Partner! Veeam and Nutanix Embrace Latest Partnership

Nutanix enterprise cloud computing and Veeam cloud data management will combine to deliver agile backup and replication. This is a smart strategy for the hardware...

Azure Stack HCI: A Cloud for Cloud Skeptics?

If Microsoft’s Azure is a swim in the cloud pool, and Azure Stack is a paddle in the shallow end, Azure Stack HCI is a toe dip. For some organizations, that is just...

"We Won't Lock You In, We Promise": Google's Anthos Platform

Google touts the avoidance of vendor lock-in as a key benefit of its new Anthos platform.

Google Markets Anthos as Big Red Easy Button

Google claims its Anthos product is the easy button of cloud services. Will Anthos be able to provide enterprises with the full value of cloud without the work?

Google Introduces Anthos in a Bid to Embrace Hybridity

Google has rebranded its Cloud Services Platform as Anthos and announced compatibility across platforms. Users will be able to manage hybrid cloud deployments in Azure...

The Intelligence Cloud? The US Intelligence Community (IC) Announces Multi-Cloud Push

The US Intelligence Community (IC), including the CIA and NSA, has an obvious need for the latest analytical technology. That exists in the public cloud. The IC...
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