Next-Generation InfraOps Storyboard

IT Operations continue to be challenged by increasing needs for scale and speed. We’ve seen Agile evolve into DevOps, then different “xOps” that are too many to count....

Considerations for a Hub and Spoke Model When Deploying Infrastructure in the Cloud

Cloud adoption among organizations increases gradually across both the number of services used and the amount the services are used. However, network builders tend to...

Considerations for a Hub and Spoke Model When Deploying Infrastructure in the Cloud Storyboard

A document to guide you through designing your networks in the cloud.

Legacy Active Directory Environment

Despite Microsoft’s Azure becoming prominent in the world of cloud services, Azure Active Directory is not a replacement for on-premises Active Directory. While Azure...

Legacy Active Directory Environment Storyboard

Despite Microsoft’s Azure becoming prominent in the world of cloud services, Azure Active Directory is not a replacement for on-premises Active Directory. While Azure...

Passwordless Authentication Storyboard

End users have 191 passwords to remember – can infrastructure and operations make life better for users while actually enhancing security? Understand the realizable...

Passwordless Authentication

End users have 191 passwords to remember – can infrastructure and operations make life better for users while actually enhancing security? Understand the realizable...

Design Your Cloud Operations

Assess your current cloud maturity and your readiness and fit for new ways of working involved in cloud operations. Design a cloud operations organizational...
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Document Your Cloud Strategy

The cloud is a multifaceted concept with lots of upside, but lots of potential downside as well, if used improperly. This blueprint will help you bring stakeholders...
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Cloud Strategy Document Template

Use this template to document your cloud strategy. Follow along with the sections of the Document Your Cloud Strategy storyboard and complete the template as you go.
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