Infrastructure & Operations - Tools

BCP-DRP Fitness Assessment

Use this COBIT 5 aligned tool to assess the current state and set a future state for your BCP and DRP documentation.

IT Operations Center Gap and Initiative Tracker

Use this tool to record gaps and KPIs along with potential initiatives for improvement.

IT Operations Center Initiative Prioritization Tool

Use this tool to prioritize initiatives, taking into account resourcing capacity.

HAM Maturity Assessment Tool

This tool will evaluate your existing hardware asset management program.

HAM Budgeting Tool

Use this tool to develop and justify the budget for hardware assets for the upcoming year.

SAM Maturity Assessment

This tool will help you assess the current state of your software asset management processes.

DRP Publishing and Document Management Solution Evaluation Tool

Determine the best strategy for publishing your disaster recovery plan using this tool.

Consumer Technology SWOT Analysis and Tech Monitor Tool

Advancements in consumer technology can catch you off guard if you are not properly prepared. Evaluate emerging consumer technologies annually, and start managing...

Roadmap Workshop Breakout Templates

Use these templates to gather information in preparation for building your infrastructure roadmap.

Legacy Technology Watchlist

This tool is designed to help IT infrastructure managers document, prioritize, and visualize the relative criticality and effort required for a portfolio of legacy...
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