Infrastructure & Operations - Research Notes

Transplanting Your Data Center

Moving a data center can be a daunting task. Use this research note to help you plan the move and make it a success.

Implement Virtual Desktop Infrastructure for Remote Access and Business Continuity

Historically, delivering virtual desktops to remote users required a separate connectivity and virtualization infrastructure, but that is starting to change. VMware...

Server OS Casting Call: Let Costs Direct Selection

IT leaders deploying application servers may face a choice between operating systems. Evaluate the business suitability of operating system candidates by examining costs,...

Utilize Virtualization for Low-Cost Failover

Few small to mid-sized enterprises (SMEs) can afford much in the way of offsite redundancy for disaster recovery purposes, and fewer still have budget room for a proper...

How Many Phone Lines Do You Need?

Determining the number of phone lines required for a facility can be a daunting task for IT leaders that have recently taken on telecom responsibilities. Planners should...

Active Power CleanSource: Flywheel Technology for Ride-Through UPS

Flywheel technology is emerging in the market as a strong alternative to UPS battery-based ride-through systems in the data center. Active Power presents a leading...

China for Outsourced IT Services

IT professionals who are interested in outsourcing application development, maintenance, or helpdesk services offshore have a myriad of geographic locations to choose...

Videoconferencing: Target Travel Cost Reductions

Geographically distributed enterprises are realizing tangible travel savings and productivity benefits following the implementation of videoconferencing systems. Learn...

Negotiation Tips How to Save $ With Vendors

Knowledge is power. Go into your vendor negotiations with these tips and tools in your back pocket.

Peer Survey Results Overview April 2011

Info-Tech recently conducted several surveys for our research projects. This document is a high level summary of those results and an introduction to the resulting research.
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