Impact Analysis Tool

The Impact Analysis Tool helps project managers determine the business value and technical complexity scores for every application being assessed for its rationalization...

Data Audit Scorecard

The Data Audit Scorecard identifies the areas in which the health of your data can be modified for improvement. Use this template to see where you fall short so you can...

Legacy Technology Watchlist

This tool is designed to help IT infrastructure managers document, prioritize, and visualize the relative criticality and effort required for a portfolio of legacy...

Roadmap Workshop Breakout Templates

Use these templates to gather information in preparation for building your infrastructure roadmap.

Emerging Technology Radar

Analyze the value and readiness of emerging technologies for your organization as part of your annual technology roadmapping process.

Infrastructure Roadmap Stakeholder Survey

Quantify and compare the relative importance of various business priorities as they relate to IT infrastructure.

Data Steward

Data stewards are designated employees with a mandate and accountability for improving the data quality and integrity in their particular business area or data silo. They...

The Goal of IT/Business Alignment: Why so Elusive?

Has the ideal of IT/business alignment become the holy grail of IT leaders? The promise of IT/business alignment is to focus investment and activities, increase the value...

Understand IRR and NPV

The business side of the organization generally uses one of two financial metrics to determine the viability and, therefore, the attractiveness of an investment: Net...

IT Steering Committee Meeting Agenda

A formal agenda prepared and distributed ahead of each meeting will help focus the efforts of the IT steering committee and keep all parties on track. Use this template...
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