Tailor Project Management Processes to Fit Your Projects – Phase 1: Lay the Groundwork for PM Success

This phase of the blueprint, Tailor Project Management Processes to Fit Your Projects, will help you set the right level of project governance and classify your projects...

Stakeholder Communication Planning Template

The Stakeholder Communication Planning Template is used to document your list of initiative stakeholders to track stakeholders and plan communication with them throughout...

Level 1 Project Charter Template

Use this template to create a concise project charter for small, low-risk projects.

Scope Statement Template

Use this template to outline project deliverables in detail and provide a common understanding of project scope to all stakeholders.

Project Staffing Plan

The Project Staffing Plan should be used by the project manager to determine skill requirements, assess skills, determine scheduling requirements, and draft a plan to...

Risk Management Workbook

This workbook is used to create the project's risk management plan to mitigate or eliminate potential risks, and track each risk item during project execution.

Quality Management Workbook

This workbook is used to facilitate sound quality management that monitors the status of deliverable quality throughout project execution.

Customer/Sponsor Project Status Meeting Template

This template is used to outline key activities and outcomes of the status meeting. This helps project team members and stakeholders keep track of the project progress.

Level 3 Project Status Report Template

This template informs stakeholders of the project's progress, outlining the key accomplishments, upcoming tasks, and issues. Use this template for level 3 projects.

Light Project Change Request Form Template

The Light Project Change Request Form Template is used to document a scope change request and its assessment and escalation guidelines.
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