Government - Storyboard

Getting to Automated Surveillance and Location Intelligence in Public Health Practice Storyboard

This research provides the requisite background, addresses challenges and obstacles, and offers an AI readiness assessment framework and a seven-step guide to getting to “go!”

Build an IT Strategy for Local Government – Phases 1-4

This blueprint and associated tools will provide you with a step-by-step approach to achieve an IT strategy that is in sync with your organizational objectives and will...

Modernize Your Applications for State and Provincial Government Organizations – Phases 1-3

An approach to strategically modernize your applications, through the lens, constraints, and unique characteristics of state and provincial government organizations.

Build Ransomware Resilience in State and Provincial Government Storyboard

This research serves state and provincial governments in enhancing an existing security strategy, meeting cyberinsurance requirements for an annual tabletop planning...

Maximize the Frontline Experience: The Human Side of Technology in Policing Storyboard

Retention and job satisfaction in policing are becoming a challenge due to less emphasis on improving the frontline experience using human-centered design. Integrating...

Addressing the Cybersecurity Talent Shortage in Government Storyboard

Governments are at risk from cyberattacks as they become more digital, requiring them to take measures to enhance their cyber resilience. A common challenge is getting...

Interoperability Primer and Playbook for Public Health and Healthcare Organizations Storyboard

This research offers public health and healthcare organizations five insights, priorities, and plays for interoperability readiness and safe, secure electronic health...

The Value of Data Quality at the Federal Level Storyboard

Understanding the value of data quality at the federal level is essential. High-quality data is vital for informed decision making, effective policy making, and achieving...

Municipal Fiber Networks Storyboard

Municipal fiber or broadband networks can be deployed in many ways to achieve many different goals. Ensure that you understand all the components needed for a potential...

Build an ERP Strategy and Roadmap for Local Government – Phases 1-4

Align business and IT to successfully deliver on your ERP initiative.
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