Government - Blueprints

Modernize Your Applications for State and Provincial Government Organizations

State and provincial government organizations must be strategic in addressing the unique challenges they face, balanced against the forces of needing to modernize,...

Build Ransomware Resilience in State and Provincial Government

With increasing online and data usage, government databases are major targets for hackers and acts of cyber warfare. This research provides a deeper look into the...

Maximize the Frontline Experience: The Human Side of Technology in Policing

Maximizing the frontline experience is important for many reasons, including enhancing police officer job satisfaction and retention. New approaches to technology...

Addressing the Cybersecurity Talent Shortage in Government

Cyberattacks impact governments, businesses, and individuals through compromised critical infrastructure; disruption to essential services, power, and communication...

Interoperability Primer and Playbook for Public Health and Healthcare Organizations

This research is designed to help public health and healthcare organizations overcome several challenges by focusing on standards-based interoperability to optimize...

Improving Social and Economic Outcomes: The Value of Data Quality at the Federal Level

Understanding the value of data quality at the federal level is essential. High-quality data is vital for informed decision making, effective policy making, and achieving...

Municipal Fiber Networks

Municipal fiber or broadband networks can be deployed in many ways to achieve many different goals. Ensure that you understand all the components needed for a potential...

Build an ERP Strategy and Roadmap for Local Government

Organizations often do not have an ERP strategy and roadmap in place. The focus is often on selection and implementation phases of ERP, but without a foundation and...
  • guided implementation icon

Create an Agile-Friendly Project Gating and Governance Approach

Most organizations use project gating and governance frameworks that are not well suited to Agile delivery methods and can stifle their Agile transformation. Use...

The Role of Social Determinants of Health in Value-Based Care Delivery

This deck provides an overview of the role of social determinants of health (SDOH) as a primary approach to supporting the triple aim through value-based care delivery.
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