Enterprise Architecture

Compliance Plan Template

This template is used to consolidate the compliance management initiative for the purpose of tracking and monitoring progress and ensuring accountability.

Compliance Communication Plan Template

This template is used to structure communication related to compliance changes such as new policies, changes to operating procedures, and remedial measures due to...

Map Your Business Architecture to Define Your Strategy

Business architecture provides a holistic and unified view of the organization’s activities that provide value to their clients and the of the resources that make those...

Current State of IT Assessment Template

Use this template to document the results of your current state of IT assessments.

10 Days of Policies

Manage your IT processes and procedures effectively by leveraging Info-Tech’s research on IT policy management and implementation. Each of these ten policy pieces...

eDiscovery and Civil Procedure: A Pocket Guide for Judges

The US Federal Judicial released "Managing Discovery of Electronic Information: A Pocket Guide for Judges." This guide gives IT managers specific insight into the issues...

Data Architect

This template is designed to help you create a job description for a data architect.

Trends in SOA: Adoption Lags Behind the Hype

A recent Info-Tech study finds that, despite all the hype surrounding Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), adoption is limited. Internal integration at a trial and/or...

Crafting Retention Schedules: A Crucial Step in Records Management

A records retention schedule is a crucial input to document management and Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) initiatives. Developing a schedule requires...

Build Business Buy-In for Electronic Document Management

Electronic Document Management (EDM) is a priority for many IT leaders, but most struggle to help executives gain business support for EDM. A solid EDM solution can...
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