Enterprise Architecture - Videos

Webinar: Get Started With AI

Organizations of all kinds are turning to the power of AI technology to drive increased efficiency, engage customers, and make faster, more...

Webinar: Realize the Value of Enterprise Architecture FAQ

Enterprise architecture has a critical mission in achieving the business strategy for organizations.

Webinar: Measure the Value of Enterprise Architecture With a Game-Changing Strategy

​The enterprise architecture (EA) team is constantly challenged to articulate the value of its function. While there may be an IT strategy...

Discover Microsoft SQL Server 2012: A Quick Primer

This primer provides a quick look at the features and licensing of SQL Server 2012, and addresses any caveats associated with upgrading from an...

Quality IT Communication with Stakeholders is Key to Success

It is essential for all CIOs to maintain quality communication with core business stakeholders in order to build strong relationships and...

Adobe Max 2011 Highlights

Like previous Adobe Max conferences, Max 2011 was vibrant and hopping with the energy of many passionate developers and designers. The overall...

Optimize Decision Rights

The responsibility for IT decisions is often misplaced with those most impacted being uninvolved in decisions that they should be making.

PCI DSS 2.0: On the Right Track!

October 2010 saw the introduction of a new version of the payment card industry data security standard (PCI DSS). Understand the implications of...

Investigate Data Integration Tools

This video will give you some insight into what data integration tools can do for you today, as well as what tiers of solutions are available and...
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