Enterprise Architecture - Research Notes

Business Intelligence: Core Concepts and Technologies

Enterprises generate a great deal of useless data in the name of Business Intelligence (BI). Business and IT decision makers need to establish the strategic intent behind...

Top 10 Strategies for Reducing Costs

Cutting costs can be an overwhelming and painful task, but knowing where to focus your efforts can make it easier. Take a look at our top ten favorite strategies. It...

IT Templates List

This collection of IT templates is meant to help IT leaders and staff on a wide range of IT projects. These templates will help save time and ensure that template are...

Blowing up the status quo: Brexit will impact IT in the UK and beyond

The Brexit vote says Leave. UK-based IT leaders must start to plan for a potentially new era of trans-border data flow and the availability of IT staff. Those in the rest...

The Goal of IT/Business Alignment: Why so Elusive?

Has the ideal of IT/business alignment become the holy grail of IT leaders? The promise of IT/business alignment is to focus investment and activities, increase the value...

New SharePoint 2010: Now One Stop for Collaboration and Content

SharePoint 2010 introduces several shiny new names and interfaces. Most notably, the additional collaboration features now make SharePoint 2010 a more comprehensive...

The Technology Pieces in the Electronic Document Management Puzzle

Growing demand for information management within IT makes Electronic Document Management (EDM) a priority for many IT leaders. EDM solutions can simplify compliance...

Quick Wins Save 5% Now!

Do you need to make a difference this week? This month? Take a look at these tactics and tools to build your guerilla plan.

Is Your Web Site User Hostile?

(By Info-Tech Analyst Howard Kiewe - Printed with permission from Processor magazine www.processor.com) I recently guest lectured on the topic of usability testing to...

Data Center Facility Requirements Estimations At-a-Glance

When building or refreshing the data center, IT must have a high level understanding of requirements and potential budget. Facility requirements for power, cooling,...
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