Data & Business Intelligence

Level 2 Project Charter Template

Use this template to create a project charter for medium-sized, moderate-risk projects.

Level 1 Project Charter Template

Use this template to create a concise project charter for small, low-risk projects.

Project Stakeholder and Impact Assessment Tool

Use this tool to identify project stakeholders and the impact that the project will have on them, as well as the reaction you expect to receive from the stakeholders.

Data Warehouse Modernization Initiative Building Tool

This tool takes you through a multi-step process of generating ideas for data warehouse modernization and building a roadmap for implementation.

Drive Business Innovation With a Modernized Data Warehouse Environment – Phase 1: Assess the Current Data Warehouse Environment

This phase of the blueprint, Drive Business Innovation With a Modernized Data Warehouse Environment, will help you understand the business' perception and evaluate the...

Data Warehouse Modernization Stakeholder Interview Guide

Use this template to facilitate discussions with business stakeholder to get ideas for modernizing the data warehouse.

Data Warehouse Maturity Assessment Tool

Use this tool to collect feedback from business users on the current data warehouse and perform an IT assessment of current capabilities.

Build a Data Warehouse – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help you establish a roadmap for modernizing your data warehouse that is driven by the strategic needs of the business and facilitated by IT's...

Build a Data Warehouse – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to understand why the relational data warehouse is not enough to support the business' need to innovate today, and how your organization needs...

Drive Business Innovation With a Modernized Data Warehouse Environment – Phase 2: Define Modernization Drivers

This phase of the blueprint, Drive Business Innovation With a Modernized Data Warehouse Environment, will help you elicit the most pressing drivers for modernization and...
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