Data & Business Intelligence

ECM Information Governance Policy Templates

Use the ECM Information Governance Policy Templates when executing policies for site design, taxonomy and naming, metadata, folksonomy, content asset design,...

ECM Content Audit Tool

Use this tool to conduct a content audit as part of your ECM strategy. The content audit will prepare you for the next stages of your information architecture planning:...

Break Open Your DAM With Intuitive Metadata – Phase 1: Build a Foundation for Your DAM Project

This phase will help you to create a design principles handbook to standardize and socialize metadata, taxonomy, site design, and naming and nomenclature for DAM in the...

DAM Metadata Execution Strategy Document

Use this execution strategy template to organize and unify the direction of the DAM program.

DAM Requirements Gathering Tool

This tool will guide you through the process of gathering requirements from your digital asset manager, as well as the system(s) used to manage your digital assets.

Break Open Your DAM With Intuitive Metadata – Phase 2: Dive Into the DAM Strategy

This phase, Dive Into the DAM Strategy, will help you to generate and prioritize strategic and practical initiatives, as well as create a roadmap for keeping the...

DAM Roadmap Tool

Plan the sequence, starting time, and length of each initiative in the DAM Roadmap Tool. The tool will generate a Gantt chart roadmap based on the start and length of...

Break Open Your DAM With Intuitive Metadata – Phases 1-3

Findability of your key digital assets is crucial to critical marketing and operational efforts to drive business results and enhance productivity. Use this research to...

Break Open Your DAM With Intuitive Metadata – Phase 3: Create Intuitive Metadata for Your Digital Assets

This phase of the blueprint, Create Intuitive Metadata for Your Digital Assets, will help you to put the people and procedures in place that will help the organization...

Metadata Manager Tool

Use this tool to create and manage metadata for your digital assets using the schemas and standards of the organization.
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