Data & Business Intelligence - Storyboard

Implement a Content Curator Playbook – Phase 1: Reclaim Time Lost to Difficult Data Recall

This phase of the blueprint, Implement a Content Curator Playbook, will help you understand what content your knowledge workers are spending the most time searching for.

Implement a Content Curator Playbook – Phases 1-2

Read this storyboard to understand why you should transform the management of your enterprise content from a system to a role.

Implement a Content Curator Playbook – Phase 2: Build Recall Muscle Memory Centered Around a Curator

This phase of the blueprint, Implement a Content Curator Playbook, will help you shift governance of content from a feature to a curator role.

Comply With the California Consumer Privacy Act – Phase 1: Create a Subject Access Request (SAR) Process

This phase of the blueprint, Comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act, will help you create a subject access request process.

Comply With the California Consumer Privacy Act Storyboard

This storyboard will help you tackle CCPA compliance.

Mitigate Machine Bias – Phase 1: Understand AI Biases

This phase of the blueprint, Mitigate Machine Bias, will help you learn about machine biases, how and where they arise in AI systems, and how they relate to human...

Mitigate Machine Bias – Phases 1-4

This storyboard will help you to learn about machine (AI) biases and why and how to mitigate them.

Mitigate Machine Bias – Phase 2: Identify Data Biases

This phase of the blueprint, Mitigate Machine Bias, will help you learn about data biases and how to mitigate them.

Mitigate Machine Bias – Phase 4: Mitigate Machine Biases and Risk

This phase of the blueprint, Mitigate Machine Bias, will help you learn about approaches for proactive and effective bias prevention and mitigation.

Mitigate Machine Bias – Phase 3: Identify Model Biases

This phase of the blueprint, Mitigate Machine Bias, will help you you learn about model biases and how to mitigate them.
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