ECM Governance Communication Tracking and Planning Tool

Use this template to document the communications related to the ECM governance program.

ECM Job Description Templates

Leverage Info-Tech’s ECM job description templates, in whole or part, to inform the definitions of your own ILM/ECM governance roles.

Embrace Information Lifecycle Management in Your ECM Program

Not all information assets are created equal; you need a structured approach to handling your organization’s information assets from creation to destruction that...
  • guided implementation icon

Information Domain Prioritization Tool

Use this tool to determine the scope of your ECM governance program by assessing the value and risk of your information domains.

Embrace Information Lifecycle Management in Your ECM Program – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to understand why expanding volumes of information and an increasingly complex regulatory environment is driving the need for information...

Embrace Information Lifecycle Management in Your ECM Program – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help you craft an efficient and effective information lifecycle management practice, as part of your overall ECM program.

Embrace Information Lifecycle Management in Your ECM Program – Phase 1: Establish the Information Lifecycle Management Foundation

This phase of the blueprint, Embrace Information Lifecycle Management in Your ECM Program, will help you create the core components that guide the rest of your ILM...

ILM Program Manual Template

Use this template to organize the elements of your information lifecycle management project and overall program.

Information Asset Audit Tool

Use this tool to compile the results of a comprehensive information asset audit after defining your information domains, project scope, and ILM operating model.

Embrace Information Lifecycle Management in Your ECM Program – Phase 2: Develop ILM Classifications and Policies

This phase of the blueprint, Embrace Information Lifecycle Management in Your ECM Program, will help you define an information classification scheme and identify the key...
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