Implement a Content Curator Playbook

Instead of viewing enterprise content management as a system which stores content that is accessible to everyone, think of it as the organization’s ability to recall that...
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Implement a Content Curator Playbook – Phases 1-2

Read this storyboard to understand why you should transform the management of your enterprise content from a system to a role.

Implement a Content Curator Playbook – Phase 1: Reclaim Time Lost to Difficult Data Recall

This phase of the blueprint, Implement a Content Curator Playbook, will help you understand what content your knowledge workers are spending the most time searching for.

Implement a Content Curator Playbook – Phase 2: Build Recall Muscle Memory Centered Around a Curator

This phase of the blueprint, Implement a Content Curator Playbook, will help you shift governance of content from a feature to a curator role.
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