Data Management & Governance - Templates & Policies

Enterprise Service Bus Communication Plan Template

The ESB Communication Plan is an internal document that will create visibility and awareness into the ESB project, and will help educate the ESB team on internal...

Enterprise Service Bus Test Plan Template

Testing the ESB after it has been implemented is a crucial step. Use this template to guide you through choosing your control and test cases, as well as guide you through...

Data Strategy Planning Interview Guide

Use this interview guide to structure discussions with key business stakeholders.

Data Management Roadmap Template

Use this template to support you in organizing your project roadmap and findings into a presentable format for your project stakeholders.

Data Integration Solution RFP Template

Issuing RFPs is a critical step in your vendor selection process. This RFP template comes populated with important elements you don't want to forget. A detailed RFP saves...

Data Management Project Charter Template

Use your Data Management Project Charter to plan your project, engage participants, and control the timeline and delivery of your final project deliverables.

Level 2 Project Charter Template

Use this template to create a project charter for medium-sized, moderate-risk projects.

Backup and Recovery Policy Template

Info-Tech's Security Policy templates allow you to easily develop new policy documents.

Data Change Communication Plan Template

The Data Change Communication Plan will help ensure stakeholders are aware of the data changes happening, how it will affect them, and when it will occur. The...

Data Architecture Decision Template

A template to help you manage the changes that accompany major architectural decisions.
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