Comply With the California Consumer Privacy Act – Phase 1: Create a Subject Access Request (SAR) Process

This phase of the blueprint, Comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act, will help you create a subject access request process.

2020 Applications Priorities Report Storyboard

Info-Tech’s 2020 Applications Priorities Report explores five initiatives that IT should prioritize for the year that will position the organization to leap ahead of the...

Build a Robust and Comprehensive Data Strategy – Phases 1-3

Use this blueprint to build a comprehensive strategy for effectively unlocking the value of your organization’s data assets. Formulate a data strategy that aligns with...

Mandate Data Valuation Before It’s Mandated – Phases 1-3

This phase helps understand the benefits of Data Valuation. Data can be very valuable if used properly or dangerous when mishandled. The organization’s need to understand...

Mandate Data Valuation Before It’s Mandated – Phase 1: Demystify Data Valuation

This phase helps understand the data valuation concept and reasons and benefits of assessing the value of their data. Gain a deeper understanding of data valuation using...

Mandate Data Valuation Before It’s Mandated – Phase 2: Data Value Chain

This phase introduces the data value chain framework and provide a step-by-step guide to start collecting data sources.

Storyboard: Create a Customized Big Data Architecture and Implementation Plan

The business is demanding big data capabilities and has forced data architects who haven’t planned for big data into a difficult situation. If data architects do not...

Modernize Data Architecture for Measurable Business Results – Phases 1-3

Develop a data architecture practice that includes both traditional and modern architecture elements in order to support your organization's present-day data requirements...

Create a Data Management Roadmap – Phases 1-2

Use this blueprint to translate strategic direction and vision for data (the "what") into a plan of action for the data practice (the "how"), addressing governance,...

Storyboard: Perform a Data Audit

Perform a data audit to uncover data issues that are likely leading to business inefficiencies. This project will walk you through best practices for planning and...
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