Build a Robust and Comprehensive Data Strategy – Phases 1-3

Author(s): Crystal Singh

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Data should be at the foundation of your organization’s evolution. The transformational insights that executives and decision makers are constantly seeking to leverage can be unlocked with a data strategy that makes high-quality, trusted, and relevant data readily available to the users who need it. Use this blueprint to facilitate the formulation of a data strategy that brings together the business context, data management foundation, people, and culture. The following topic areas will be covered in the blueprint:

  • Organizational Drivers and Data Value
  • Data Strategy Objectives and Guiding Principles
  • Data Strategy Vision and Mission
  • Data Management Enablers and Dimensions
  • People: Data Roles and Organizational Structure
  • Data Culture and Data Literacy

View the Complete Blueprint:

Build a Robust and Comprehensive Data Strategy

Key to building and fostering a data-driven culture.

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