Read a one-page case study for the Due Diligence & Preparation phase of an M&A transaction.
Manage the integration process of an acquisition using this SharePoint template.
Manage the integration process of an acquisition. Use this Excel tool if you can’t or don’t want to use the SharePoint tool.
See a one-page overview of the Execution & Value Realization phase of an M&A transaction for the acquiring organization.
Read a one-page case study for the Execution & Value Realization phase of an M&A transaction.
Use this tool to conduct a horizon scan, build a journey map, prioritize and expand your digital opportunities, and lastly, build a roadmap.
An interview guide to help you elicit the business context by interviewing business leaders and peers.
Use this template to capture the synthesized content from outputs of the activities across the four phases of the Define Your Digital Business Strategy blueprint to...
Read the five priorities for CIOs in 2023 and navigate the path to seizing opportunity while also protecting from volatility.
This artifact is a comprehensive list of our upcoming Q2 Research Agenda.