Workforce Planning Workbook for Small Enterprises

Use the Workforce Planning Workbook for Small Enterprises to successfully complete all of the activities required to define and estimate your workforce needs for the future.

The Small Enterprise Guide to People and Resource Management – Phases 1-3

Use this blueprint to lay the foundation of people and resources management practices in your SE IT department.

The Small Enterprise Guide to People and Resource Management

Small enterprises face a challenge recruiting key talent in an environment where every person matters that much more. Taking a proactive approach to workforce planning,...
  • guided implementation icon

IT Leadership Career Planning Research Center Capstone Deck

This deck can be used as an alternate way to follow the activities laid out in the Info-Tech IT Leadership Career Planning Research Center. It includes the same...

Leadership Brand Workbook

Use this workbook to build your personal leadership brand, which can be used to help you stand out and make known the unique value you have to offer, and to help guide...

Core Competency Map – Senior Leader & Leader of Leaders

Use this map to align your behaviors with your organization’s leadership competencies.

Career Vision Roadmap

Use this template to create a simple, visual roadmap of your desired career progression.

IT Employee Job Aid: Employee Development

Use this job aid to outline the employee development process, roles, and responsibilities for employees.

Decision Making Case Study

Use this case study to help managers solidify decision-making and decision communication skills as part of Build a Better Manager: Self-Governance – Your Role in Decision...

Your Role in Decision Making Participant Workbook

Use this participant workbook in conjunction with the Your Role in Decision Making Facilitation Guide to deliver training to first-time IT managers.
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