Manage Conflict Constructively Participant Workbook

Use this participant workbook in conjunction with the Manage Conflict Constructively Facilitation Guide to deliver training to first-time IT managers.

Decision Making Case Study

Use this case study to help managers solidify decision-making and decision communication skills as part of Build a Better Manager: Self-Governance – Your Role in Decision...

Your Role in Decision Making Participant Workbook

Use this participant workbook in conjunction with the Your Role in Decision Making Facilitation Guide to deliver training to first-time IT managers.

Your Role in the Organization Participant Workbook

Use this participant workbook in conjunction with the Your Role in the Organization Facilitation Guide to deliver training to first-time IT managers.

Small Enterprise SituAction: A CIO Assesses the Structure of the IT Team

Good IT leaders are supported by great IT teams. Take the opportunity to reassess the makeup and capabilities of the team.

Establish a Communication and Collaboration System Strategy – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help you improve your approach to collaboration services.

Team Charter

A team charter is a valuable management tool that sets out all those points and serves as a contract for team members. Use this template to create team charters for your...
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