Work-From-Home Tips for Managers

You may be preparing the workforce to begin working from home to help limit the spread of COVID-19. Provide managers with this infographic to help them maintain...

Work-From-Home Tips for Employees

You may be preparing the workforce to begin working from home to help limit the spread of COVID-19. Provide employees with this infographic to help them remain productive...

Emergency WFH Assessment Tool

Be prepared to launch emergency work-from-home measures during the COVID-19 pandemic. Use this tool to quickly determine eligibility, audit technology and setup...

Workforce Planning Tool

​Record key information and analysis results, and develop a plan of action in this integral workforce planning project document.

Dependent-Flextime Agreement Template

A tool that will help you formalize any individual temporary working arrangements needed to balance caregiving for dependents with working from home during a pandemic.

COVID-19 Dependent Care Policy Employee Guide

A job-aid employees can use to plan to consider implications of balancing caregiving for dependents with their remote work while navigating the stress of a pandemic...

COVID-19 Dependent Care Policy Manager Action Toolkit

A job-aid to help managers navigate the creation of team-specific work coverage plans and support employees through the unique challenges of integrating dependent care...

Ergonomic Workspaces Infographic

Moving to a work-from-home arrangement comes with many changes – including changing your physical workspace. Provide employees with tips to create a healthy and safe...

The Essential COVID-19 Childcare Policy for Every Organization, Yesterday Storyboard

Holistic strategy to help managers and employees navigate and balance work with care-provider responsibilities.

The Essential COVID-19 Childcare Policy for Every Organization, Yesterday

COVID-19 will have implications on your workforce and how they manage and balance work and life. With schools closed, governments advising on limiting contact with...
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