Organizations are relying on IT to lead the critical, faster, and more frequent changes happening due to, among others, emerging technologies. An effective OCM strategy...
Build an annual IT talent strategy focused on four key pillars: culture, organizational structure & roles, learning & development, and recruitment and retention. Treat...
The rapid evolution of AI has created gaps between the required and available skills needed to smoothly implement and maintain AI. Combined with the pace of change, this...
As new technologies and ways of working emerge, the role of IT changes. So should your job descriptions. Don’t waste time searching online for the perfect job...
The information technology industry is at a crossroads: a coming together of machine advancement and human effort when a significant portion of day-to-day work can be...
As a CIO, you're constantly managing your calendar to spend time with the right stakeholders, on the right projects and attend the most important meetings. Effective time...
More and more CIOs have regular progress updates with their CEO that are intended to provide them with the information necessary to make informed business decisions....
Organizations rely on team-based work arrangements to provide organizational benefits and to help them better navigate the VUCA operating environment. A high-performing...
Accessibility is an organizational directive; however, IT plays a fundamental role in its success. As business partners require support and expertise to assist with their...
Employee performance measurement is vital to the performance management process. It is informed and impacted by a range of HR activities, including recruitment,...