Develop Responsible AI Guiding Principles

Within this guide are responsible AI guiding principles that are foundational, providing a framework to set safeguards for technical and non-technical staff when working...

Develop Responsible AI Guiding Principles Storyboard

In this publication, we will help you get key stakeholders on board and define AI guiding principles unique to the culture and values of your organization.

Responsible AI Guiding Principles Presentation Template

Use this easy-to-customize, boardroom-ready presentation template to help educate staff on your AI guiding principles.

Identify and Select Pilot AI Use Cases

Use this systematic approach to identify AI use cases aligned to the organization’s goals and identify an initial pilot project based on expected value and organizational...

Identify and Select Pilot AI Use Cases Storyboard

Use this research to define a shortlisting process for identifying and selecting use cases and to develop your first AI pilot. Identify value and readiness criteria for...

AI Pilot Project Shortlisting Tool

This tool will help you document your selection process and present the case for a pilot. You can reuse the tool to support an iterative process to continuously collect...

Develop a Flexible IT Funding Model

This blueprint aims to assist Chief Information Officers (CIO), Chief Digital Officers (CDO), and other technology CXOs in exploring the various IT funding options...
  • guided implementation icon

Develop a Flexible IT Funding Model Storyboard

Unlock the right funding for the right initiative at the right time through a flexible IT funding model created by pulling the right flexibility levers.

IT Funding Model Workbook

The set of tools and templates used in the activities that are part of this blueprint. Various sheets of this spreadsheet workbook may have been linked through...

IT Funding Model – Statement of Intention

Demonstrate the need for a flexible IT funding model in alignment with the organization and IT strategy and articulate how to achieve and sustain it.
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