CIO - Storyboard

Tactics to Retain IT Talent Storyboard

Integrate data from exit surveys and interviews, engagement surveys, and stay interviews to understand the most commonly cited reasons for employee departure in order to...

Service Management Integration With Agile Practices Storyboard

Understand how service management integrates with Agile software development practices and how to solve the most common challenges to work efficiently and deliver...

CIO Priorities 2023 Report

Read the five priorities for CIOs in 2023 and navigate the path to seizing opportunity while also protecting from volatility.

The Small Enterprise Guide to People and Resource Management – Phases 1-3

Use this blueprint to lay the foundation of people and resources management practices in your SE IT department.

The State of Black Professionals in Tech Report

This report summarizes some of the experiences, including barriers and solutions, for Black professionals in IT.

State of Hybrid Work in IT: A Trends Report

Hybrid work is a reality for nearly every organization. How can you make it work for your IT department and your stakeholders?

Info-Tech​ Quarterly Research Agenda​ for Q2 2023

This artifact is a comprehensive list of our upcoming Q2 Research Agenda.

Adopt Change Management Practices and Succeed at IT Organizational Redesign Storyboard

This research set is intended to help IT organizations in successfully implementing their new structure.

The Accessibility Business Case for IT – Phases 1-3

Clearly communicate why accessibility is critical and how it supports the organization's key objectives and initiatives.

Build a Better Manager – Phases 1-3

This deck presents a behind-the-scenes explanation for the training materials, enabling a facilitator to deliver the training.
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