State of Hybrid Work in IT: A Trends Report

Author(s): Jane Kouptsova, Amanda Mathieson

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Hybrid work is here, and IT departments have the dual task of not only making hybrid effective for their staff but also supporting the rest of the organization in this new way of working. Faced with decisions that alter the very foundation of how an organization functions, IT leaders are looking for best practices and coming up empty. If you feel you are “winging it” in the new normal, you are not alone. Read this concise report to learn:

  • What other IT organizations are doing in the new hybrid world.
  • How hybrid has impacted infrastructure, operations, and business relations.
  • How to succeed at building a highly effective hybrid team.
  • How Info-Tech can help you make hybrid an asset for your IT department.

View the Complete Blueprint:

State of Hybrid Work in IT

When tech giants can’t agree and best practices change by the minute, forge your own path to your next normal.

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