This phase of the blueprint, Develop a Plan to Pilot Enterprise Service Management, will help you understand enterprise service management (ESM) concepts, determine the...
This phase of the blueprint, Develop a Plan to Pilot Enterprise Service Management, will help you determine your current state for enterprise service management.
This phase of the blueprint, Develop a Plan to Pilot Enterprise Service Management, will help you identify and prioritize your services, create customer journey maps,...
This storyboard will help you understand the platform business model and digital platforms for successful business model transformation and design of digital platforms.
This phase of the blueprint Drive Digital Transformation With Platform Strategies will help you with the platform model and associated strategies. It will also assist you...
This phase of the blueprint Drive Digital Transformation With Platform Strategies will help you align your digital platform's capabilities with your digital...
This storyboard will help you learn what IT leaders are doing differently heading into 2020 when it comes to talent management.
IT leaders who get personally involved in recruitment see better results. Read this section to learn how leaders are getting involved and how to take the first steps.
Heading into 2020, flexible work is table stakes. Read this section to learn what some organizations offer and how you can take advantage of opportunities your...
Ethics and transparency are emerging as key considerations for employees. How can you build a culture that supports this? Read this section to learn how.