Business Processes - Tools

Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook

This tool accompanies Get the Most Out of Your SAP blueprint and is used to document and assist with this process.

Workday Application Inventory Tool

Use this tool to define applications and capabilities around ERP. This will be used to conduct an Application Portfolio Assessment (APA) for your ERP.

Enterprise Software Implementation Checklist Tool

This tool helps the executive steering committee to make an informed decisions as to whether the project is ready to transition to an operational status.

Process Evaluation Tool for Robotic Process Automation

Create a more realistic estimate of how RPA can impact your business by systemically analyzing the potential for your business processes.

Audit Defense Maturity Assessment Tool

This template will examine the maturity of your current audit preparedness and software asset management practices.

Audit Defense Readiness Assessment

This template will provide you with a checklist to ensure all appropriate tasks have been completed.

Business Case Change Log

This tool will help you document changes to the initiative that are likely to impact the business case and require the reforecasting of benefits and financial indicators.
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