MEDITECH Successfully Completes Its First Virtual EHR Implementation

COVID-19 has disrupted critical healthcare projects and implementation plans. Despite the considerable challenges faced by many healthcare organizations MEDITECH has been...

Experian eCare NEXT Connects Revenue Cycle Management and Clinical Workflows

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, healthcare organizations are looking for ways to expand digital patient care options. Patient management systems like...

Cerner and Amazon Web Services Partner to Share COVID-19 Data With Researchers

Cerner and Amazon Web Services (AWS) are working together to expand access to clinical data battling the COVID-19 pandemic by sharing de-identified patient data with...

Everything That Can Go Wrong Will – Use Feature Flags to Manage the Risks

Is it true that everything that can go wrong will go wrong? Don’t bet on it to not.

Scaling Agile – Essential for Your Organization

So you’ve gone Agile. You do daily scrums, retrospectives, and all the “right” Agile ceremonies. But still your organization isn’t quite convinced. It is now critical to...

Don’t Let Your Agile Teams Tread Water!

Do you feel like your Agile teams are treading water – going through the motions but never going anywhere? It’s a risk, and practices such as daily standups,...

Scrum Destroyed the Product Owner Role

When trying to implement Agile as a defined process, Scrum turned BAs or other roles into order takers with the title “product owner.” This undermines the entire value...

Product Owners: Tools Are Only Part of the Solution

Tools are important to product teams, but only when they support solid people and processes.

Product Owners Are Only as Successful as Their Ability to Communicate

No matter how good your product roadmap and backlog are, they are only as good as your audience’s ability to understand your vision and priority.

Why Should Scrum Masters Understand Product Ownership?

The scrum master is like the conductor of an orchestra, ensuring that every piece fits together at the right time to create something greater than the sum of the parts....
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