Scrum Simulation Exercise (Online Banking App)

Simulate Scrum to better understand how to manage a backlog effectively, estimate project timeline and cost, and solidify your understanding of minimum viable product (MVP).

Take the First Steps to Embrace Open-Source Software

Open source offers unique opportunities to explore and experiment with leading-edge technology or address niche and complex problems with specialized and customizable...

Take the First Steps to Embrace Open-Source Software Storyboard

Use this research to learn the opportunities of open source, considerations when selecting open-source software, and how to prepare your team for the use of open source.

Evolve Your SDLC Example Flows

The SDLC examples are sanitized versions of process flows and related deliverables from other Member workshops. You can use these as a starting point or to help validate...

Adopt Generative AI in Solution Delivery

With delivery teams under continual pressure to deliver faster, higher-quality products, the promise of Generative AI (GenAI) is too tempting to pass up, but it can be...

Adopt Generative AI in Solution Delivery Storyboard

A step-by-step guide that helps you assess whether Gen AI is right for your solution delivery practices.

Gen AI Solution Delivery Readiness Assessment Tool

This tool will help you understand if your solution delivery practice is ready for Gen AI.

Solution DLC Playbook Template

Document your solution delivery lifecycle with implementation and support plans.

Sprint Capacity Spreadsheet

Capture each Scrum team member's capacity for each Sprint to avoid overloading them.

Mature and Scale Product Ownership Playbook

Use this playbook to capture team and individual current performance for product management in your organization. Then, build a roadmap to mature your product management...
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