What Is the Role of the PM/PMO on Agile Projects?

Info-Tech members moving to Agile are frequently unsure of the role of PMs and the PMO in an Agile environment. Any organization used to traditional (Waterfall) project...

Product Owners Are Only as Successful as Their Ability to Communicate

No matter how good your product roadmap and backlog are, they are only as good as your audience’s ability to understand your vision and priority.

Understanding Scrum: Why Do Product Owners Have Three Ears?

Agile systems delivery (implemented through Scrum) is quickly becoming an accepted norm in IT. But using Scrum successfully in an organization requires a deep...

Product Owner Capacity Planning Gets a Boost From Aha!

Aha! introduces scenario planning to give product owners the ability to create and compare multiple release approaches based on team capacity and backlog priority.

COVID-19 Raises Prospects for Robotic Process Automation

Reeling from the pandemic response executed by governments all the over world, companies are accelerating their implementation of low-cost automation. That bodes well for...

Site Reliability Engineering: What Is It? Why Is It Important for Online Businesses?

Hell hath no fury like a customer not being able to access an online service when they want to. They expect the online services to always be on, always be accessible, and...

SLOs in Site Reliability Engineering

Thor, the Norse God of Thunder, tells Jane Foster, the woman he’s trying to impress, that on his home world of Asgard, the realm eternal, science and magic are two sides...

Build a Visual Product Roadmap to Increase Agreement and Alignment

If an image is worth a thousand words, a visual roadmap will save you a thousand hours.

Developing Resource Skills to Support Your Product

Product ownership is far more than backlogs and delivery. Are you ensuring that the teams supporting your product are enhancing their skills and experience to support...

Sprinkle Some Agile Into Your Waterfall Practices for the (WFH) Post-COVID-19 World

Many Info-Tech members are wrestling with how to best manage their software development productivity while working from home, especially for teams using a Waterfall...
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