This phase of the blueprint, Estimate Software Delivery With Confidence, will help you define analysis, estimation, commitment, and communication tactics grounded in core...
Estimates inform and support key business, product, and delivery decisions. Unrealistic expectations are placed on these estimates despite knowing these values are or...
Read this Executive Brief to understand why effective estimation practices are critical for IT's success.
This storyboard will help you adopt the right software delivery estimation tactics to build achievable plans.
This template, associated with the blueprint Estimate Software Delivery With Confidence, will help you define and document your estimation tactics as on-hand cheat sheets.
This phase of the blueprint, Estimate Software Delivery With Confidence, will help you define your estimation expectations and goals.
This phase of the blueprint, Estimate Software Delivery with Confidence, will help you create an estimation optimization roadmap.
Product management should not replace project management. They are complementary and are both integral to enabling the frequent delivery of business value.
Continuous delivery (CD) requires an integrated toolchain to automatically push checked-in code into production. IBM’s Engineering Lifecycle Management solution...
When deciding on how to license your products or components, you don’t start with debating open vs. closed source code. It starts with asking simple questions around your...