Dynatrace Offers Service to Improve SDLC

APM vendor Dynatrace is offering a service to help its customers improve their SDLC. This offering aligns with an overall shift in the IT marketplace.

Review Your Application Strategy

For a strategy to be highly effective and well-received, it needs to be tightly connected to the business goals that drive the organization. An application-enabled...

Review Your Application Strategy – Executive Brief

This review guide provides organizations with a detailed assessment of their application strategy, ensuring that the applications enable the business strategy so that the...

Review Your Application Strategy Storyboard

This review guide provides organizations with a detailed assessment of their application strategy, ensuring that the applications enable the business strategy so that the...

Application Strategy Action Plan Report Template

Capture the findings of your application strategy review in the action plan template. Draw out the key actions needed to make improvements.

Application Strategy Sample Action Plan Report

This example report provides guidance on how to capture findings from the application review process, providing key findings to support a more effective strategy

Build a Better Product Owner – Phase 2: Scale Product Owners

Define how product owners fit together into families. Scaling product owners and product managers ensures that product capabilities and priorities are aligned to...

Integrate Portfolios to Create Exceptional Customer Value

Through growth, you have a significant footprint of projects and applications. Projects and applications have little in common, all with their own history and pedigree....
  • guided implementation icon

Integrate Portfolios to Create Exceptional Customer Value – Executive Brief

Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should integrate your portfolios together, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the three ways we can...

Integrate Portfolios to Create Exceptional Customer Value – Phases 1-3

This blueprint focuses on improving alignment of your application and project portfolios against your organizational goals. Few have been able to bring their various...
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