Security Technology & Operations - Blueprints

Develop and Deploy Security Policies

Informal, un-rationalized, ad hoc policies are ineffective because they do not explicitly outline responsibilities or compliance requirements, and they are rarely...
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Implement Risk-Based Vulnerability Management

Vulnerabilities will always exist. Addressing these will consume your department’s time and resources, and your efforts will quickly become stale as new vulnerabilities...
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Build Your Security Operations Program From the Ground Up

Use this blueprint to establish your security operations program with a threat collaboration environment.
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Develop and Implement a Security Incident Management Program

Organizations face an ever-evolving range of cyberthreats. It is crucial to have a security incident management program to detect, respond, and recover from security...
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Simplify Identity and Access Management

This research will lay the groundwork for establishing a centralized, effective, and efficient system for managing identity and access. We will help organizations take...
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Integrate Threat Intelligence Into Your Security Operations

Organizations are struggling to get ahead of threats as they continue to respond reactively rather than proactively. Don’t be left behind. Develop a manageable and...
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Develop a Security Operations Strategy

Current security practices are disjointed, operating independently with a wide variety of processes and tools to conduct incident response, network defense, and threat...

Design a Tabletop Exercise to Support Your Security Operation

The use of a tabletop exercise is an excellent way to test the effectiveness of an organization’s overall security program, the investment of technology controls, and the...
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Identify Opportunities to Mature the Security Architecture

Organizations require an effective security architecture in order to connect security to the business. This blueprint demonstrates Info-Tech’s approach to evaluating the...
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Master Your Security Incident Response Communications Program

Many organizations do not have an incident response plan, and those that do often forget to include a communications plan, leading to time loss while trying to create one...
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